
    • 6 minute read

    A client that will remain nameless has a brand new Prestashop (don’t mind the pixels in the logo) that he’s really happy with. He’s been able to set it up mostly by himself, except for the mail server, which was being rather fussy.

    • 1 minute read

    The YouTube channel 3Blue1Brown recently uploaded a video where they give the following situation: we have two sliding blocks and a wall on the left. The first block starts out motionless, and the second block comes in sliding from the right.

    • 14 minute read

    Like any year since 2015, when December rolled around my productivity plummeted. It’s time to waste all my hours perfecting a program solving a problem that no one needs solved. Hello Advent of Code 2018. If you haven’t read my previous posts and haven’t heard of Advent of Code before, consider checking them out first. If you just want to see the actual code, you can find it on Github.

    • 6 minute read

    Two years ago, Eric Wastl announced his Advent of Code: an advent calendar with a different programming challenge every day. During the event, you helped Santa power his snow machine by completing the two tasks for that day.

    • 6 minute read

    Everyone who worked with C++ for longer than twelve seconds has noticed that keeping track of pointers is somehwat complicated. You have all kinds of wonderful new problems that you never knew you could have in other languages:

    • Null-pointer dereferencing
    • Use-after free
    • Memory leaks

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